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Pre-Enrollment 2024

Pre-enrol in SchoolZone 

Get ready for the 2024–25 school year! Sign in to your parent SchoolZone account between February 1st and March 22nd to select your child’s preferred school for next year. 

Whether your child is staying at the same school or changing schools, all students need to pre-enrol. Knowing how many students to expect helps schools prepare to welcome them in September.

 If you need help, contact the school, visit the epsb.ca or read the pre-enrolment handout

Update your child’s current address with the school office before pre-enrolling in SchoolZone. 

New to the Division?
Instead of using SchoolZone, students who are new to Edmonton Public Schools need to submit a completed Student Registration form. Find the form and list of supporting documents you need to provide.