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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Elementary Academics

Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible.”

– Loris Malaguzzi

We offer Kindergarten to Grade 6 programming with an emphasis on literacy, numeracy, and creativity. We believe in providing experiences that enable students to think creatively and critically about the world they live in.  By focusing on the arts and academics and nurturing a worldview, we promote student achievement while fostering the lifelong pursuit of excellence and the love of learning.

By creating a welcoming, inclusive, positive, supportive, and dynamic environment, we help students to achieve the full range of their potential.  Kindness matters at Victoria School!






Elementary Academics


“Almost all creativity requires purposeful play”- Abraham Maslow

Learning is playful, creative, immersive, inviting, engaging, and filled with inquisitive curiosity. Discovery, exploration, investigation, skill building, and meaning making are central to our half day Kindergarten programming. Students are met where they are at, and are encouraged to grow at their unique pace. Guided inquiry allows students to build confidence and self-esteem as they work towards independence in their learning, and introducing them to our culture of collaboration. The arts are integral in our approach to learning in Kindergarten, where students learn about, with, and through the arts.






Elementary Academics

Division One (Gr1 - Gr3)


“Think and wonder, wonder and think” - Dr. Seuss

Kindness matters at Victoria School, where we embrace our differences and our similarities. Using a variety of instructional methods and teaching approaches, we allow students to be actively engaged in their own learning, as well as learning how to be supportive of others. We encourage students to be motivated and passionate learners by allowing them to grow from mistakes, build resiliency, and foster strong relationships. 

Learning is life-long, and these formative early years as young learners require a responsiveness by adults who understand where students are at, where they need to grow, and how best to meet them at their points of need. Purpose, intentionality, a focus on literacy and numeracy, and conceptual understanding are at the heart of our Division 1 programming.

Elementary Academics

Division Two (Gr4 - Gr6)

“To create one’s own world takes courage.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

Building a community of engaged, caring, and creative risk-takers requires a culture of inclusivity, inquiry, curiosity, and academic rigor in all subject areas. Literacy and numeracy are central to our programming, integrating the arts to help build strong connections between what is known and unknown. Encouraging students to welcome and support each other in safe and stimulating spaces foster a culture of acceptance and collaboration. We help prepare students for the future, where their voices are heard so that action can be taken in our ever-changing world.

Student leadership is embedded into our programs, where students lead various clubs at lunchtime for peers and younger students. Buddy classes, Architect Empire, Bookworms Unite, Cultural Hearts of Victoria, Game Central, Eco World Club,  Math Wizards, and Science Club are just a few of the student lead activities held during the school year.

Elementary Academics

Name: Kerri-Lynn Cayen

Email: kerri-lynn.cayen@epsb.ca

Phone: 780-426-3010