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Kindergarten-Grade 9 Application Package

Applications are closed for the 2024-35 school year

Thank you for your interest in Victoria School of the Arts. We welcome all applications and look forward to supporting you through the process. 


The purpose of the application is to involve students and their families to explore within themselves the reasons to attend Victoria School of the Arts. 

The process is as follows:

  • Complete and submit the application package in person or scan and submit digitally to Victoria.Applications@epsb.ca by 4:00 PM on TBA. Digital submissions are encouraged. 
  • Applications will be reviewed by staff at Victoria School of the Arts to ensure they are not missing any components. Parents will be contacted if the application is not complete. An incomplete application will not be processed..
  • The school will not return applications after submission.
  • All applicants will be notified of application status by TBA


If your child needs Yellow Bus Transportation please refer to the Student Transportation section on the epsb.ca website.


Victoria School of the Arts is an Edmonton Public School Division Kindergarten through grade 12 Alternative Arts Program. Victoria School of the Arts students engage in the study of specific art forms such as band, choral, dance, digital media, drama, film-making, music, Orff, and visual arts and in turn use artistic processes and creativity to deepen their understanding and success in all curricular areas. 


  • Are an inseparable part of the school's culture and therefore are a vital part of the learning experience
  • Motivate the cognitive, social, civic, personal, and aesthetic growth and development of students
  • Open avenues for innovation and invention, as well as fostering respect for individual, cultural, and aesthetic diversity
  • Provide students with a variety of approaches to learning methods of building connections between thinking, learning, knowing, and communicating


  • Enable all students to explore and communicate their understandings, feelings, and ideas in a variety of art forms
  • Develop higher level thinking skills (evaluating, expressing, problem solving, creating)
  • Develop artistic skills to enhance academic skills
  • Foster a culture of collaboration to deepen students’ understanding of themselves and others


  • Engages the senses, stimulates imagination and creativity and broadens students’ understanding of themselves, others, and the world that they live
  • Contributes significantly to the development of multiple intelligences
  • Fosters cross-curricular understanding
  • Encourages risk taking and provides opportunities to explore personal challenges in a safe environment
  • Promotes thinking critically, creatively, and divergently
  • Provides increased exposure to a wide range of artistic tools and processes
  • Builds awareness and appreciation of the arts


Victoria School of the Arts celebrates a solid literacy foundation, where the arts and academics are interconnected. Students think critically and creatively in both their arts and academic classes.  The International Baccalaureate Programme aligns the arts and academics within a framework of inquiry. Students are encouraged to develop the ability, confidence, and imagination to pursue their dreams and contribute to their community both locally and globally. 

  • Students are given the opportunity to explore their creativity, self-expression, and depth of understanding through art, dance, drama, digital media and music
  • Instruction incorporates the arts into language arts, math, science, social studies, and physical education
  • Inclusion of guest speakers, artist-in-residences, and arts-related field trips helps to connect our students to the local and global arts community. 
  • Students learn to demonstrate proficiency within the following Learner Profile criteria:
    • Collaborate and/or work within an ensemble (Communicators)
    • Communicate ideas with clarity and detail (Knowledgeable)
    • Reflect and respond to information and/or actions (Thinkers)
    • Work independently (Principled)
    • Approach to problem solving creativity (Risk-takers)
    • Demonstrate kindness and generosity toward others (Caring)
    • Demonstrated a commitment and or experiences in the Arts (Inquirers)
    • Work in each class with a variety of independent thinkers (Open-minded)
    • Ask questions of themselves, their teachers and each other (Reflective)
    • Think about their thoughts, actions and emotions in their own lives and their impact on others  (Balanced)

Victoria office staff is available at any time throughout the application process for any questions or assistance you may need at 780-426-3010.

--- Click here to complete the application form ---